Monthly Archives: December 2018

Countdown to 2019: 2018 TV

Disclaimer: I only rank shows that I watch and I’m not a TV critic. Also, there are some spoilers. Read at your own risk… I had to push a lot of 2017 shows to 2018, like the final season of Girls, The … Continue reading

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Countdown to 2019: 2018 Movies

I saw 5 movies this year.This is two fewer than last year, which had been a major drop. What more could I expect though since I basically stopped going to the movies? The number was so low that I had … Continue reading

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Countdown to 2019: 2018 Theater

Last year I saw 75 shows, not a bad showing. This year I saw 65. Sadly, 69 had been the lowest count thus far, so now I’ve hit a new low. I’m accepting that my show count should be in the 60s and … Continue reading

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